Activity at 37°C for Restriction Enzymes with Alternate Incubation Temperatures

Listed below is the percentage activity exhibited at 37°C for enzymes that have an optimal incubation temperature higher (thermophiles) or lower (25°C) than 37°C.

ApaI has 100% activity at 37°C, however the half-life of this enzyme at 37°C is only 30 minutes.

Nb.BsmI has 100% activity at 37°C, however there is significant increase of star activity when incubated overnight at 37°C

Please also check these additional information about:
RE Performance Chart | Double Digestion | Time-Saver Enzymes

Enzyme Optimal Temperature % Activity at 37 °C
ApeKI 75°C 10
BfuAI 50°C 25
BsaBI 60°C 25
BsaJI 60°C 25
BsaWI 60°C 50
BsiEI 60°C 10
BsiHKAI 65°C 10
BsiWI§ 55°C 25
BsmBI-v2 55°C 10
BsmI 65°C 10
BspQI 50°C 50
BsrI 65°C 10
BstAPI 60°C 25
BstBI 65°C 10
BstNI 60°C 25
BstUI 60°C 10
BstYI 60°C 10
BtgZI 60°C 50
BtsCI 50°C 25
BtsIMutI 55°C 50
CviQI 25°C 25
FatI 55°C 100
FauI 55°C 50
MwoI 60°C 25
Nb.BsmI 65°C n/a
Nt.BspQI 50°C 50
Nt.BstNBI 55°C 50
PI-PspI 65°C 10
PspGI 75°C 25
SfiI 50°C 10
SmlI 55°C 10
SwaI 25°C 25
TaqI-v2 65°C 10
TfiI 65°C 10
TseI 65°C 10
Tsp45I 65°C 10
TspMI 75°C 10
TspRI 65°C 10
Tth111I 65°C 10
WarmStart® Nt.BstNBI 55°C 0

§ An HF version of this enzyme is available.